Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What you can do for Beng Hock, and yourself

It is not just about a political aide died in custody of the Authority

It is not just about a Malaysian Chinese died within the walls of the Authority

It is whether your love ones, or yourself, will one day be like him.

I urge you to spread the below letter, in whatever means, to pressure the Authority to guarantee in writing that Dr. Porntip is safe to testify in the court.

It was Beng Hock, it was Kugan, it was the 15 year old Aminulrasyid Amzah,


Voice out for them, for yourself, and for your future







Salam all,

I know everyone is busy recovering from the HS by-election, and prepping for Sibu.

But we really need to push for Dr. Porntip to come. And the only way she can be released by her Ministry of Justice is to get a written assurance from the Home Affairs Ministry here (Hisham).
但是,我們迫切需要Dr. Porntip來馬供證(趙明福命案目前仍在驗屍庭續審)。唯一可以讓她獲得泰國司法部的允許,上庭供證的方法是由大馬內政部長(希山)發出書面保證來確保她的人身安全。

And the only way we can get them to give those assurances is for the public/opposition to pressure Hisham to give a written assurance. The StateGovt has already written a letter to request for this letter, and so far, no response.

So I appeal to you to make use of your various networks/blogs/twitter/Facebook/friends/media links to do exactly this: pressure Hisham.

If not, it looks like it will be "Open Verdict", or worse, "suicide".

This is the only chance we have left.

Thanks all,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice from Steve Jobs - Fits Pakatan Rakyat well

Nike's CEO talked about advice from Steve Jobs during the Nike+ launch.

Isn't this fit Pakatan Rakyat, particularly PKR well?

Original post from

Chinese translated copy here:

Apple CEO Steve Jobs is among the greatest innovators of our time. And yet his genius for understanding business is rarely explained in any public way. Rarer still is to hear the advice he would give to the CEO of another hugely successful company: Nike. But that's exactly what you'll learn from this video, in which Nike president and CEO Mark Parker tells about the advice that Jobs gave him shortly after the release of the Nike+ product line. It's a simple bit of wisdom that any entrepreneur can relate to: "Get rid of the crappy stuff."

Easy to say, hard to do.

"I expected a little laugh," Parker says of the exchange. "But there was a pause and no laugh at the end."

The setting here is Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference on April 21, 2010, in New York City. It was a tough ticket to score, but for those who didn't, we're offering highlights. More to come this week

Monday, April 26, 2010


I have to admit that I am Jobs' fan, even if you are not, please read on..

加利福尼亚州参议院健康委员会将审阅一项法案。该法案如果通过将使加州成为美国率先实行活体肾脏捐献注册的地区。它同时还将要求所有加州司机 在更新驾驶执照时决定自己是否愿意成为一名器官捐献者。按照一位著名支持者的观点,仅第二项措施即可使加州可用移植器官的数量翻倍。这项由州参议员伊兰·阿尔奎斯特(Elaine Alquist)提交的法案准备经健康委员会传至州参议院并最终写入加州法律。一位加州政坛的内部人士告诉我们:「我还未听说有谁持反对意见的。」上周, 此提案在州参议院的交通委员会投票中以 8 – 0 全体通过。

不过,尽管 1395 提案得到了广泛的支持,其最初的想法却在伊兰的办公桌上搁置多年。

事实上,活体肾脏捐献注册只得到了阿尔奎斯特一些在参议院的同事和州长本人的支持,今年三月能使之成为一个正式提案得感谢一个人:苹果首席执行官史 蒂夫·乔布斯。

具体地说,该法案能在今天出现 —— 并在将来可能形成法律条款 —— 得归功于乔布斯去年的病情以及他因寻找肝脏捐助者而花费的巨大努力。


在 2008 年的夏天,史蒂夫·乔布斯在位于旧金山 Moscone 中心召开的苹果全球开发者大会上露面,向大家介绍了最新版本的 iPhone 。观察家们对其瘦弱的外表颇感震惊。史蒂夫看起来糟透了,以至于《史蒂夫·乔布斯的秘密日记》的作者丹·里昂(Dan Lyons)很快停止了写作其讽刺b0客,他不愿意嘲笑一个垂死的人。


然而事与愿违。2008 年 12 月,史蒂夫宣布自己将不会出席即将到来的 2009 Macworld 主题演讲。此言一出媒体和他身边的朋友都感到震惊且担心。苹果试图再次表示这与史蒂夫的健康状况无关,但进入新年之后的两个星期,公司和乔氏宣布后者将请 假离开一段时间以处理所谓「荷尔蒙失衡」的问题。

以下是当时的真实情况:乔布斯的肝脏功能正在衰竭,他得知如果不迅速更换自己将不久人世。在这期间,史蒂夫开始寻找一枚新的肝脏。不幸的是,在加利 福尼亚像这样做的人不止他一个。事实上,2009年有超过 3400 人在加州等待新的肝脏。仅有 671 人如愿以偿。剩下的有 400 人因此丧生。

在接下来的一月到三月之间,史蒂夫所做的可能和绝大多数肝衰竭的美国有钱人一样:跑遍美国大把花钱让自己接受不同医院不同医生的检查以挤上尽可能多 的等候名单。


但整个过程相当耗时。史蒂夫去的其中一家医院需要先与医生面谈,再与社保人员交涉,全套的医疗检查包括实验室测试、腹部超声波、心理学检查、结肠镜 检查、心电图测试,「和一些其他测试。」




史蒂夫马上行动。根据一位线人所言,史蒂夫让本地 Burch, Porter & Johnson 事务所的律师立即建立一个名叫 LCHG LLC 的有限责任公司并于 2009 年 3 月 17 日买下孟菲斯城富人区最好的豪宅。

接下来在 2009 年 3 月 22 日那一周史蒂夫接受了手术。执行手术的医生要么是詹姆斯·D·伊森b0士或诺斯拉托拉·内扎卡特古b0士。手术大约进行了 5 至 6 小时。捐献肝脏的是一位在车祸中丧生的二十几岁年轻人。

肝脏移植住院需要几个星期的时间,直到四月中旬史蒂夫才感觉自己能迁入他在孟菲斯的新家。据进行了若干采访的消息人士透露,周围的邻居发现了新搬来 的这位住户。他们在街上发现史蒂夫的妻子以及他家周围树上安装的监视摄像头。他们注意到停留在住宅附近车道上的保安人员。

医生建议肝移植患者在出院后在镇上逗留最少一个月。于是,除了每周去一次医院,史蒂夫平常便呆在孟菲斯的家里。即使呆得不耐烦了,史蒂夫也不能经常 外出,因为他必须服用免疫抑制药物以防止新肝脏出现排斥反应。这使他的抵抗力变得脆弱。(不过让人欣慰的是房子至少不错。它是一座售价 140 万美元,7400 平方英尺的别墅,有 5 个卧室 5 个卫生间。)

到六月时,史蒂夫已经恢复的差不多,他方才允许消息泄露给华尔街日报说自己将在月底返回。6 月 20 日,华尔街日报得到了史蒂夫医生的证言。九月,史蒂夫的健康状况已可支撑他出席苹果 iPod 系列的年度更新发布会。虽然听起来略有点让人担心,他告诉了人们关于自己的手术和新肝脏。

到了十二月,史蒂夫·乔布斯的生活又基本回归了生病以前的状态。而传闻又开始四处流传 —— 不似去年,更似自 iPod 发布以来每年史蒂夫都会遇见的 —— 关于苹果最新的产品,而非史蒂夫的健康。


困扰他的是虽然像自己这样的富翁活了下来,其他人却没那么幸运。特别让他不安的是,当自己能负担得起四处登记并拥有私人飞机可在任何一刻载他去任何 医院时,其他的加利福尼亚人做不到。他们不得不留在加州独自等待。他知道有 400 个人在焦急的等待中死去。


在十二月的一次晚宴上 —— 没人会告诉我们这次晚宴在哪儿 —— 史蒂夫就座于玛利亚·施莱弗尔(Maria Shriver)旁边。后者是约翰·F·肯尼迪的侄女、加利福尼亚州长阿诺·施瓦辛格之妻。史蒂夫将自己肝脏移植的整个故事讲给她听。他抱怨说加州在鼓励 人们成为器官捐献者方面做得不够。他告诉玛利亚应该叫自己的丈夫在这方面有所作为 —— 加州应该要求那些准备拿驾驶执照的人对自己以后是否愿意捐献器官作出决定(以前他们可以选择不回答这个问题)。

加州第一夫人将这个意见转给了自己的丈夫。州长与史蒂夫通了电话。后来州长又打电话给州参议员阿尔奎斯特,他知道阿是器官捐助的长期倡导者。这样一 来,一个在两年或更久的时间里都无法成为议案的想法突然间变成了州参议院法案 1395 。这全得归功于史蒂夫·乔布斯 —— 以及他现已运转良好的肝脏。

在他与州长的对话以后,史蒂夫公务缠身。基本上主要是因为 iPad —— 一个被想作是媒体救世主和笔记本替代者的设备。iPad 需要一个完美的问世。发布会前太多需要关心的事情使史蒂夫几乎缺席在斯坦福卢西尔·帕卡德儿童医院举行的法案公布会。其他出席人员还有州长以及阿尔奎斯特 参议员。

当州长办公室提前十天联系卢西尔·帕卡德医院安排日程时,他们告诉对方著名的苹果 CEO 已被邀请参加,但不要在新闻稿中提到他的名字。



到了星期五,州长及其随行人员、苹果 CEO 史蒂夫·乔布斯出现在活动地点。史蒂夫穿着他特有的黑色圆领衫和牛仔裤。在医院院长作了开场发言之后,州长站上了讲台。他看着史蒂夫说道:

非常高兴史蒂夫·乔布斯能出席本次活动。我认为他是我们今天能汇聚一堂并提出这项伟大法案的重要原因。这项法案将对加利福 尼亚产生深远的影响。他跟我妻子讲述他的手术,然后玛利亚告诉了我,后来我又和史蒂夫谈了一下。我们打了几通非常棒的电话,现在一切终于变成了现实。我们 在这里宣布这项提案。

我喜欢史蒂夫的一点是,他是有钱人,我们都明白那帮了他很大忙,但他的愿望并不止于此 —— 只有富人才能接受移植手术。他希望每个人,无论贫富,都有尽快接受手术的权利。这便是他同我的夫人及我本人谈话的原因。他向我们施加压力以促成整件事的成 形,让加州有足够的器官来满足所有需要做移植手术的潜在患者。因此我们愿说 —— 为了他的慷慨,让我们向史蒂夫鼓掌。


感谢施瓦辛格州长。去年我做了肝移植手术。我非常幸运,因为很多人在等待中失去了自己的生命。在加利福尼亚州去年有 671 例肝移植,然而去年也有超过 3400 人在等待新的肝脏。400 多人因未能等到而丧生。

我差一点就成了那 400 人之一。当时我在斯坦福接受精心的护理,但唯一的问题就是加州没有足够的肝脏来维持供求平衡。于是我的医生建议我加入田纳西州孟菲斯的移植计划,在那儿供 求比率要比这里好一点。我很走运的及时得到了一枚肝脏。事实上,下周就是我手术成功的一周年纪念。

不过加州为何没有足够的器官捐献呢?因为加利福尼亚和全国其他大部分州一样,在获得或更新驾照时你必须明确的向机动车辆管理部门提出你愿意成为器官 捐献者才行。没有人会主动问你这个问题。另外也没有市场营销来帮助你认识自己有这个机会。因此除非你本来就知道并主动申请,没人会来问你或给你这个机会。 不过尽管制度如此粗糙,仍然有超过 20% 的加州人注册成为器官捐助者,这非常了不起。 但想象一下如果让每个人都知道自己有这样的机会会产生何种效果。

而这就是本项法案的内容。它会要求 DMV(机动车辆管理部)询问你是否愿意成为器官捐献者。仅此而已。问这样一个简单的问题可能会使加州器官捐献的数量翻倍 —— 就这么一个问题。那将成为一笔高回报的投资,特别是对目前超过 20000 的等待器官移植的加州人而言。



在五天前的踩点中,医院的一位员工回忆说苹果来人建议他们把参观肾移植区的那一部分弄得紧凑一点 —— 为整日繁忙的节约一点时间。然而在活动当天参观的最后一部分,这位医院员工说当其他所有人 —— 州长一行、苹果的随行人员以及医院陪同人员 —— 都在一间为刚接受了移植的孩子准备的看护室外等待时,「史蒂夫仍在里面与孩子交谈。」


Hulu Selangor - epilogue

It is hard to swallow, I know, it's kind of end of the world for many who support PR and Zaid.

Lack of coordination is probably the main factor of the defeat. Personal attack does not seems to have effect on the results as I can see.

It was also wrongly strategize for stuff like last minute appointment of Zaid by the Selangor state government to head the settlers' task force. This should have been done long ago, even if it is headed by another person or the ex-MP.

In short, PR is still not sensitive to sentiment, still believe that they will change the world by just talking.

So it is a new beginning, although not a pleasant starting point, but life needs to go on..

PR, I hope you learned the lesson well, please stop accusing your opponent if you still want to play the game, even you know well it is lopsided. Else you gotta figure out how to get your opponent to play yours.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hulu Selangor - I missed almost all!!

I was there, but I missed almost all. First, it was fucking heavy jam. Why jam? Ask the Royal Malaysia Police!!

Second, it was raining. Rain started to pour approaching Rasa, the place where the heat is on.

Third, it was simply too late, when we finally found the venue, Tian Chua, the final speaker, was wrapping up his speech.

But I noticed there are a hall full of people, mostly middle age and above, are still listening, waving flag, and applause when Tian talk about Beng Hock, talk about the future.

Before reaching the hall, I had a chance to speak to a guy, who are confident that Zaid will win the race. I am however, not as optimistic.

The best part of our conversation is:

"Oh?! BN?! You mean will BN win?! I tell you, my wife is there in the BN camp since 7pm, eat all she can, take whatever is giving out, but we'll sure to vote for Zaid."

Earlier, PM speak damn loud on TV saying that they will bring development, and buy land at a good price, with condition that they take over Selangor come next election.

Real mother fucker! I thought Gerakan did the same, and Penangies make things simpler: Throw Gerakan to the sea.

Yet, with APCO Worldwide, the best PR firm in the world, PM repeated the same. Our RM76Million is as good as flushing from our toilet bowl!

Let's see if Hulu Selangor be the final nail.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I am going to Hulu Selangor - walk the talk

I am going to Hulu Selangor within these remaining days of the by-election campaign.

Zaid Ibrahim is critical, he needs to be sent to the Parliament, but the situation seems out of his favour thus far.

I will do what I can, even if it does not work out at the end of the day, I have tried, both talk and walk.

If you still remember how Kugan and Beng Hock died,
if you still remember how C4 took away a lady's life,
if you still remember how your hard earned money wasted by someone who claimed to take care of your welfare,

if you still remember that you are Malaysian..

Join me,
go Hulu Selangor!


iPhone 4.0 Beta 2, goodies and screw-ups

These days are kind of stress: work pours in, datelines to meet, speed and accuracy are most important for assignments in my hands now.

I was tempting and eventually updated the beta 1 earlier last week. Overall, the impression seems good, except that some of my favourate apps ceased to function.

This drive me to update to beta 2 when it was released yesterday. Apple dropped me a mail yesterday morning that beta 2 is ready to download, I have virtually no time until this wee hour, where I can have about 1 hour without accessing to the Internet, working on my MacBook, then I initiate the download, and update.

What do I have with beta 2?

Well, my MobileRSS works now, it crashes like nobody's business in beta 1. It is not the only RSS/Google Reader app facing the problem. In fact almost all free RSS apps are having the same problem. Thus, it is apparently Apple's problem and glad that they fixed it.

Another problem fixed is photos deleted from MacBook after importing to either iPhoto or using Image Capture, will still leave a black spot as if the photo is still there. This is clearly the index/sqlite problem with Photo app on iPhone 4.0 beta 1, which is now fixed.

What are the problems?

Camera is gone, I mean it is still there, you can still snap pictures, but after the shutter closed, that's it! Nothing is saved, and the camera just jam there, much like mechanical camera when the shuttle stuck.

I cannot get into International settings to change my Hong Kong region to other country, it keeps booting me back to the home screen.

This is what I have thus far, need to go back to work again, sigh!

More screw-ups:

I cannot use 3G unless I enabled Data Roaming. This is not a big problem for me as I do not travel, but it can be serious for those who are traveling.

Even more screw-ups:
My iPhone refused to sync or charge when connected, after running a few apps. It will charge/sync again when I restarted the phone.

Monday, April 19, 2010




Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hulu Selangor and Beng Hock

Hulu Selangor, will you seek justice for Beng Hock?

Images from

Used without permission

-- Post From My iPhone

iPhone tips: How to make your iPhone fly

You may noticed that your iPhone becomes slower each day. Sometime it is so slow that you will probably wait between key presses, i mean touches.

Some suggested that you need to restart your iPhone preferably every day. This is partially correct.

Restarting your iPhone, or rebooting will clear cache stay in the memory, thus applications will run a little faster.

Like Safari, it is best to clear cache and history under Settings/Safari option.

But this does not help your iPhone back to the speed as it was when you first have it in hand.

The best way to make your iPhone like new, is to clear all unnecessary podcasts, videos, songs, SMSes, and call history.

You will notice respectable speed gain once you clear these regularly.

You may ask: How am I going to archive SMSes or call history since I need them as record.

Answer is simple, google iPhone SMS extractor, you may find tons of applications, either on Windows or Mac, that do the job with condition that you backup your iPhone regularly.

SImple, isn't it? My iPhone like new when I cleared all SMSes kept since 15 months ago, you may achieve the same by doing so.

Saturday, April 17, 2010



早上9时25分,民联支持者一方,公青团的巴德鲁希山(Badrul Hisham)在向人群发表演说,接着警察介入,要求巴德鲁希山脱下他身上穿着的黑色T恤,上面印着“谁指示谋杀阿尔单杜雅(Siapa Arah Bunuh Altantuya)”字眼。由于人群向警察发出嘘声,引发了一场小骚动。巴德鲁向群众发问他是否应按照警察的命令脱下该衣服,群众回应“不要!”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Streamyx down, 1Malaysia DOWN!

I was driving back from town, after collecting my renewed Streamyx Block Buster modem from TM Point, my wife SMS me:

Internet got problem

I thought because I did a switch on my package and need the new modem, thus I just answered:

coming back

She immediately sent another one:

Not pay rite?

She thought we did not pay the bill thus the line was cut, I replied:

Just collected new modem, need to put in.

Immediately, my colleague called:

Office TM line down, other offices TM lines down! Client's TM line down too! The whole damn KL down!!!

then he added:

Must be Isreali agent's work, sigh!

I told him:

my house also got problem, my wife thought we didn't pay the bill, I thought it was the switch of package, now it seems serious....

But... wait.... can it be TM sodomised by Anwar??!

He chuckled over the other side of the phone:

by APCO??

We left the question unanswered. Then I proceed to call TM Helpline (100):

After about 10 calls, managed to call in, the usual distorted voice recording playing like the old cassette player:

For Bahasa Malaysia, tekan 1, for English, press 2...

I pressed 2

For technical assistance, press 1, for account information............

I pressed 1

there goes, it was quiet over the other side, like you are being suck into the black hole.... long enough for me to finally gave up....

Put down the phone, called again, the line is not longer accessible.....

Gosh! This is the helpline of the biggest Telco in Malaysia, and helpline is OUT??

I was wondering..... my mind started to go wild..... I then sent SMS to my colleague:

Can call TM 100 now, but when press 2 English, 1 technical assistance, the phone no sound. This confirmed tmnet been sodomised

One of my colleague replied:

Ok, I try

a while later, he SMS:

Yeah, already sodomised

Another replied:

Haha.. By Apco

Out of options, we were stranded with support calls pouring from users, yet TM helpline is still not reachable. The best you get is the distorted lady's voice like those horror movie:

Untuk Bahasa Malaysia, tekan 1, for English, press 2.......

Ah! this is really 1Malayaia....


iPhone 4.0 Beta 1, internet tethering using unofficial carrier

I restored the iPhone 4.0 beta 1 again on my iPhone 3G. To my horror, after restoring and treat the iPhone as new, I lost the Internet tethering option that I am so dependent on.

The primary suspect is that my carrier, Celcom, which is not the official iPhone carrier, screwed up again.

I have tried rebooting a few times, reseting the iPhone, with no luck.

Almost wanted to give up and look change my carrier to Maxis or DiGi from Celcom because of this.

However, I decided to give myself another try:

What I did was to beg someone for a maxis SIM, insert the SIM to my iPhone and reboot. After confirming that the Internet Tethering is available, I turned off the iPhone, removed Maxis SIM and put in my Celcom SIM.

Pray..... Reboot..... Viola! Internet Tethering comes back, even with Celcom SIM card!

Should you need Internet Tethering and not using the official carrier's service, you just need to pop-in the official carrier's SIM, reboot your iPhone to make sure Internet Tethering option is available, then turn your iPhone off, put in your unofficial carrier SIM back, and you are done!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Najib & Obama - a RM76million relationship

So paying APCO RM76 million worth every penny, that our beloved Prime Minister Najib finally meet up with President Obama, and was claimed the same status as China's President Hu Jintao.

I did not make this up, it is from the mouth of the Minister of the Prime Minister's Department (weird portfolio, isn't it?)

from The Malaysian Insider, Government paid APCO RM76m

......“APCO is being employed for our image in the US, for us to get close to the US. You mean to say a Malaysian company can help us get close to the US?” asked Nazri.

The minister then delivered a stinging rebuff to Pakatan Rakyat’s frequent cries of Israeli agents being involved in APCO’s organisation.

“Lobbying is common in US. You have to lobby (to get things done). The biggest lobbyists in US are Israeli lobbyists,” said Nazri.

He also asserted that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s moves in fostering closer ties with the US and liberalising the economy were good.

“Najib is not thinking of himself, he is thinking of the country. What is wrong with being close to Americans? It only benefits our economy.”

What's wrong? I thought you guys have been bashing Anwar left and right calling him betrayer and criticizing him for having powerful foreign friends, including Americans.


APCO also drew praise from Nazri for its performance, who credited the consultancy for Najib’s meeting with US President Barack Obama as proof of its success.

“APCO did a good job. Obama only set aside time to see Najib and (Chinese President) Hu Jintao. China is China, but Obama agreed to meet Najib.”

“The money we pay is worth it, it is giving good returns to us,” said Nazri.

My God! Nazri! I think you better go back to the primary school to learn how to count!

I am starting to wonder if other leaders are also paying PR to lobby to meet up with President Obama? It will be interesting to know how much they are paying...

Please see yourself how many world leaders have session with President Obama, right the White House's website

Here is the list of leaders meeting up with President Obama, and their pictures

with President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, April 11, 2010 (Official White house photo)

with Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani of Pakistan, April 11, 2010 (Official White house photo)

with King Abdullah II of Jordan April 12, 2010 (Official White house photo)

with Prime Minister Mohammed Najib Abdul Razak of Malaysia, April 12, 2010 (Official White house photo)

with President Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine, April 12, 2010 (Official White house photo)

with President Hu Jintao of China, April 12, 2010 (Official White House photo)


Can you find Najib?? (Reuters pic via the Malaysian Insider)

Guys & gals, please, this is the GREATEST Moment for Najib and Malaysia (Yes, Najib first, then Malaysia), be proud of your leaders, who managed to meet up with the most powerful man on this planet!

When Najib returns, he will probably "walk with wind" (jalan pun ada angin)

And, I bet you that the 2 year old 1Malaysia will rephrase to WANT-Malaysia soon, real soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do you think Malaysian are crazy on iPad?

Do you really think Malaysian are crazy, i.e. insane getting iPad for USD907, which is almost double the street price of USD499 back in it's homeland??

Wait until you read the piece below from Bloomberg:

IPads in India Fetch $2,250 as Apple Fans Refuse to Be Patient

April 13 (Bloomberg) -- Anthony Agius says his decision to pay A$2,500 ($2,300) to travel to New York from Melbourne to buy 20 iPads is something only fellow Apple Inc. fans will fully understand.

“Any sane, rational person shouldn’t do it,” said Agius, 25, who edits a Web log about Apple products. “Some of my friends, who I wasn’t able to get an iPad for, are in pain right now.”

Agius’s passion and the frustration of his friends are shared by technophiles from Mumbai to Germany. The company will begin sales outside the U.S. later this month, though Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs hasn’t given an exact date.

The Apple iPad

Amit Jain has capitalized on that uncertainty. Jain, who owns an electronics shop in Mumbai, said he sold five 64- gigabyte iPads for 100,000 rupees ($2,250) each as of April 7 after they reached India through the so-called gray market, or unofficial distributors. That’s triple the $699 the touch-screen tablet computer retails for in the U.S.

“We have customers who are willing to buy,” said 30 year- old Jain. “So we maintain our margins.”

The iPad will be available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the U.K. in late April, Apple said March 5. The Cupertino, California-based company sold more than 450,000 iPads in less than a week after its introduction, Apple’s Jobs said April 8.

Outside the U.S.

Consumers outside the U.S. will account for almost half of iPad customers this year, according to Brian Marshall, an analyst at Broadpoint AmTech Inc. in San Francisco, who predicts a total of 4 million of the touch-screen devices will be sold worldwide by year-end.

“The international component for the iPad will be important,” Marshall said in a telephone interview. “This is going to be a wildly successful product.”

Listings for iPads on EBay Inc.’s Web site surged fivefold in the week ended April 3 as early buyers in the U.S. targeted consumers who can’t yet buy the device in their home countries. One purchaser from the U.K. paid $5,500, more than 10 times the $499 asking price for the least-expensive iPad, EBay said.

Apple may sell 7.1 million iPads worldwide in 2010 and double sales to 14.4 million next year and 20.1 million in 2012, researcher ISuppli Corp. said this month. The estimates are conservative and factors such as “swift feature enhancements” may help sales exceed its initial projections, ISuppli said. Sales in North America will account for most iPad shipments in 2010, ISuppli said.

“While non-U.S. sales will contribute a decent amount when you aggregate all of the other regions, the primary driving force will be U.S. sales,” said Francis Sideco, an analyst at El Segundo, California-based ISuppli.

Apple rose 2.5 percent in the five trading days after the U.S. release, compared with a 1.4 percent gain in the S&P 500 index.

Willing to Wait

Not all Apple fans are willing to pay a premium to have an iPad early. Claire Espinoza, 41, who works in marketing in London, plans to wait.

“It’s a very slick-looking device and I’d love to have one,”

Espinoza said. Still, “I’ll wait until more people have them and any bugs are worked out.”

Apple began selling three of the six iPad versions it plans to offer, with first buyers getting models that connect to the Web via Wi-Fi. IPads that support so-called third-generation mobile-phone networks will go on sale in the U.S. later this month.

Hong Kong, Germany

Aggole Leung, 35, a graphic designer in Hong Kong and self- professed “big fan” of Apple products, said he ordered one through the Web site, which enables customers overseas to buy products in the U.S., paying about HK$4,000 ($515) including shipping cost.

“I think it will be a hit here,” said Marcel Pimentel, 40, a preschool teacher in Germany who has used other Apple products including the iPod Nano. He said he’s not concerned about the iPad’s release date in the country “as long as they provide it.”

In Mumbai, Jain, the electronics store owner, is in no hurry to have the iPad widely available in India.

“We have the ability to get the product anyway,” said Jain who has a colleague in the U.S. to buy it for him. “The hype will sell.”
He said he had 30 customers waiting for the next shipment.
To contact the reporters on this story: Kevin Cho in Seoul at

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, April 11, 2010

iPad landed in Malaysia!

I went to Low Yat plaza this evening to fix up my iPhone 3G touch screen. (yes, it happened again after fixing up last Wednesday. This time is the top half having problem, not the bottom half as earlier)

While waiting for the friendly technician to fix my iPhone, I saw iPad boxes displaying in quite a few outlets.

One of the outlet let me took a shot of the unit.

You should have an idea of how big the iPad is :)

Frankly, I've never seen any web browser, even Safari running on top of the range Mac Pro, screams like iPad's Safari. You get every page almost instantly with no waiting!

For that one hour I was hanging around at another outlet, I saw not less than 20 units sold.

Remarkable! Isn't it? Given the price set at RM2,888 (approximately USD907) for 16GB WiFi only model (selling in US for USD499), and without warranty (these are units brought in by third party, not Apple nor other official channels).

So if you are interested, below is the calling card of the store I took the picture.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My first day with iPhone 4.0 beta 1

Just upgraded my iPhone 3G to iPhone OS beta 1 yesterday.

In my opinion, it is a very stable beta release compare to 3.0 series.

Due to NDA restriction, I am barred from disclosing details but the below should not violate the NDA hence my developer status.

It is 4.0 beta 1, runs on Celcom network, non official Apple carrier.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The end

Thank you for your time visiting my blog and I do hope that you enjoy reading what i have posted.

I will stop writing posts except for technology stuff.

It is rather sad to part away from other topics but I have no regret.

I will rather walk the talk than talk the walk from now on, going down to the field instead of just being an armchair critic.

Once again, thank you.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



时间:2010-04-06 18:52:52 来源:本报报道 作者:记者


100% 上涨, 不是开玩笑的咯!















Monday, April 5, 2010










Sunday, April 4, 2010











-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, April 3, 2010














In the name of Automation

Everyone is saying, everyone is doing, but what have they achieved?

Every system vendor will tell you by using their system, you will increase your productivity.

How true is true?

Are those vendors really understand your business? Is your current processes optimized? Is there new processes created when old processes eliminated, that leads to overall optimization?

Almost all automation implementations fell short of expectation and usual escape is always: human factor.

But system vendors never realized that if they cannot solve the problems for people, they failed.

Managing expectation, change management is academic, most important is whether automation reduced workload for everyone, instead of passing the bulk from A to B, then claimed as processes optimized.

Even worse, most system vendors rely on nice looking front end but created a whole new manual processes, and named it automation.

These vendors should either be sent back to school learning what automation is all about.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 2, 2010

马来西亚风情-The Curve

The Curve 装了这些电子指南很久了,从好好的,变成现在这个样子。


-- Post From My iPhone