Tuesday, August 25, 2009

They don't understand

I bet none of them understand, and know the reason why they have been losing in every by-elections here in West Malaysia.

They don't understand why they have been trying very hard to tell the world that the other side is dirty, corrupted, and no administrative experience.

They have been trying very hard to tell us that the other side is corrupt to the core starting from none other than the Black-eye self proclaimed hero of whom they made him a hero back in 1998.

They have been trying very hard to tell us that everyone, yes, everyone on the other side is corrupted thus you have the entire media, administrative, and enforcement resources are chasing after a RM2,400 case, which is damn serious when compare to RM24 million Balinese Palace.

They have been trying very hard to silence everyone by either making someone disappear, or stop everyone from mentioning that someone's name, which according to them
Is illegal and utterly seditious, and it is a serious national threat.

They have been trying very hard to convince us that all those who died are of their own will and have nothing to do with them.

They have been trying very hard to differenciate between races, by telling different stories to different ethnic groups that the other side is evil for us.

They have been trying very hard to tell us that they are caretaker for us, God sent, and angels that come to this earth to save us from being spoilt by the other side.

They have been trying to say and do as they have been doing for the past years to stay on, by smearing the other side that they are simply the only one trustful.

But they have failed to understand that we want them out even if they are angel and the other side is evil.

They failed to understand that it is their own doing and saying pushing us to the other side, even what they have done and say may be right to some extent.

They have failed!

-- Post From My iPhone

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