Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Neda Agha-Soltan - Symbol of Iran's rebellion

Neda Agha-Soltan was shot dead on 20 June 2009, during the Iran's Presidential Election protest in Teheran.

Live video of the incident was uploaded to the Internet, and the world at large witness a girl killed sparked anger across the globe.

"I openly declare that no one, apart from the government, killed Neda. Her killer can only be from the government," her father told the BBC's Persian service by telephone from Iran.

For further reading, start from Google, or Wikipedia.

Monday, June 28, 2010





首相纳吉的前特别事务官纳西尔(Nasir Safar),因为在今年2月被指发表“印度人来马行乞,华妇卖身论”而被迫道歉辞职后,终于确定不会受到警方的秋后算账。










《当今大马》是在2月2日率先报道,纳西尔在一场“一个马来西亚”研讨会上,指责华印裔是“外来者”(pendatang),华人妇女来到这里是要 “卖身”,而印裔则是来当乞丐。















Friday, June 25, 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi -- Happy belated birthday

19 June is Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday.

BBC Documentaries did a session on the eve of her birthday, worth listening. It is available here

"It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it. "

--Aung San Suu Kyi 1990

Read this speech of her, Freedom from Fear, if you are interested in finding out more of her.

For more about her, goto wikipedia, for English, click here, and Chinese, click here.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010




非主流派:只有Ali Cafe 的包装纸从14楼飘下来,另加数不清的烟头;







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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

iBooks finally arrived!

Have been using iOS4 for quite a while, and was eagerly waiting for iBooks, which will opens up the world of books in my palm.

Earlier rumor that iBooks will not be made available to iPhone 3G is now crushed, iBooks in here, is in my iPhone 3G NOW!!

The iBookshelf

the PDF Library, where my WWDC slides are kept that I can refer anytime.

PDF slide in action

The Project Gutenberg book, downloaded from iBooks Store

As advertised

Saturday, June 19, 2010







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Is iPad an interim product?

iPad is selling like hot cake, and Apple seems to have difficulty keeping up with the extraordinary strong demand.

I must admit iPad is a product that change the way we interact with the Internet. However, I am still having doubt whether iPad is an interim product to be the industry leader and set the bar for competitors, instead of what it is supposed to be in the mind of Apple.

Let's take a look at the iPhone 4 alongside with iPad.

iPhone 4 is revolutionary as Steve claimed during the recent WWDC keynote that:

1. It is the thinnest smartphone;
2. Battery life lasts longer;
3. Excellent exterior which is essentially a piece of technology art;
4. This is by far the most important component in iPhone 4: the Retina Display.

You may argue that others will soon to catch up with Apple on high resolution screen. Yes, I do agree. But Retina Display is not just the high resolution LCD, it Is the combination of high resolution LCD + OS screen driver that makes a perfect presentation of what you find on iPhone 4.

Now back to iPad. It is kind of curious for Apple not to include the above on iPhone 4 onto iPad, especially the Retina Display and iOS 4. Isn't Apple positioned iPad as ebooks + entertainment + Internet, ie content consumption device?

What makes a good content consumption device? First and foremost: an extraordinarily good display!

Isn't Retina Display fits into this perfectly?

Let's look at other ebook readers and tablets in the market. Monochrome ebook readers like Amazon's Kindle and Sony's ereader both using e-ink technology for 2 main reasons:

1. Conserves battery life;
2. Reduces eye strain on long hour reading.

Of the above, Retina Display is closely rival e-ink in terms of pleasant reading/watching/consuming while battery life may still lagged behind e-ink technology.

But the plus point for Retina Display is color, and e-ink is not, and will not be, in the foreseeable future, that will have the ability to display in color.

So iPad with Retina Display, the same exterior design as iPhone 4, and iOS4, will certainly blown the competitors, even TV and netbooks away.

Then why Apple does not want the first version of iPad to have Retina Display?

It may be too risky a decision to
Make as no one know how well the costumer will response to iPad;

It may be kept for iPhone 4 since iPhone market is proven;

It may simply be a supply problem that Retina Display is not available in production quantity for iPad.

But I am almost certain that next generation of iPad will
Include all the cool features of iPhone 4, and more.

And I am expecting the next Gen iPad to be introduced next Feb, a year after its launch to ensure no strain in supply chain, and Apple to rip the year end holiday season with current generation of iPad with iOS4.

So I will wait for next year for an iPad.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Customer service is not just polite staff

I wanted to make payment for my cellphone bill, as usual, I am using teller order to do it everytime. Why not auto debit? Because I need to check the items on bill before proceeding with payment.

Ok, call my celco, found that the credit card registered to the celco is the card I intended to cancel due to stupid Government service tax on credit card.

Then I switch over to operator assisted call, hope that someone can help me to do this.

Earlier of the day, I have requested TM to do so, and TM duly complied.

A polite voice over the other side asked: what can I help you sir?

"I want to pay my bill, but I want to pay with another card. Can you help me to change the record as I cannot use the teller oder now."

"Sorry sir. You cannot change it over the phone. Please give me your fax number, we will fax a form to you. You fill in the particulars, and fax it back, then we will process."

"Ah? Why so difficult? When I started the teller order, it was over the phone, you did not ask me to fill any form."

"This is our procedure for change of credit card, sorry sir, else you may visit our branch to perform the task."

"Hello! I am staying some 60Km away from your nearest branch, why should I travel all the way for something which should be done over the phone?"

"I am sorry sir, I can't help you at this point. This is our procedure."

"I don't blame you. But Celcom should be more responsive to the customer. This is clearly unacceptable. I wanted to change the card because I wanted to terminate the old card to avoid paying for Government tax."

"Sorry sir, either we fax you the form, or you go to our branch. It cannot be done over the phone. This is our procedure."

"I am ok if you pay my traveling expenses and lost of time for me to go to your branch to do something I don't think I should, or if you pay for my government tax, then I'll be happy not to bother you with this."

"I am sorry sir. I cannot do outside the procedure."

"I pity you guys. Your management is to be blamed for such procedure. Can you refer to your manager on this case? I am not going to your branch unless is necessary, or I will not keep the card and pay government tax just for you."

The above conversation repeated 3 times over the day.

The next day, a lady called:"Mr Chia, I am from the collection department, our higher management has approved that you can change the card details for teller order over the phone, can I have your new card details?"

"Why should you have such faxing procedure in the first place?"

"Starting December 2009, changing card details requires faxing of form. Alternatively, I can email the form and you fill in and fax back. But now the management approved your request."

"What?? Your management must be dumb to come out with such guideline. I need no management approval from your side, I just need to change the card details, as I would when I register over the phone on teller oder. Why should I do more than I should?"

Am not going to write lengthly on the actual conversation, but this is the core message.

A Stupid procedure or guideline implemented without staff understanding why, and making customer feel uneasy, is a failure.

Why should a customer do more when he/she wanted to pay? Why not just accept the payment? What's wrong?

Sometimes you cannot understand why these so-called high-caliber/highly paid brains coming out with something that is not helpful to both the organization and its customer.

One last word:

Customer service 101 : Make your customer happy by making things easy for them, not complicate the issue. If you cannot solve the customer's problem, you fail.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why I am so comfortable with Apple products

I have been dealing with manufacturer's support for the past years, ranging from Acer to NEC, to HP, and Apple.

Frankly, I have not been using Windows PCs/notebooks since I bought my first iBook some 10 years ago, I stick to Apple because of their support response, and no-question-ask attitude, makes Apple support stands out.

When I bought the first iBook, it was a G3, and it is a tool to me, not luxury glamor to show off. My iBook G3 was having problem with the LCD, and since, the motherboard has been replaced 3 X.

The 4th time it broke, local Apple rep refused to replace a new unit claiming that their have extended my warranty from 1 year to 3 year without charge, and replacement motherboard, although is free, will not carry warranty of 1 year, or 3 month (standard for replacement part). It has only less than 1 month warranty.

Knowing this is design fault, and after having argument with local Apple rep, I decided to write to the top man in Apple you know who.

2 days later, I received a call from Apple regional HQ, telling me that my brand new iBook replacement is on its way to me.

The replacement comes complete with everything, and it is a G4, someone has quietly upgraded for me, and as complement, I can keep my mul-function iBook G3.

Unfortunately the new G4 was robbed, and discovered, but have to lie in the police station 1 month after I received.

I bought another G4, using for a few weeks, somehow I shocked the unit, and LCD backlit broken.

I called Apple, and brought the unit to service center, and got it fixed free of charge.

Entered the MacBook age, my current MacBook is late 2007, warranty have since expired without Apple Care when I noticed that the casing cracked.

Call Apple, and got it replaced for free.

Today, I noticed that the casing cracked again, call Apple, and still got free replacement without much words.

So tell me, how can I live without Apple for its excellent support?

To learn my experience with HP, read :

Any unhappy experience with Acer, NEC, even Samsung....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



作者/本刊黄书琪 Jun 15, 2010 12:34:56 pm


昨日,首相纳吉亲自书面答复峇都国会议员蔡添强的提问,表示今年4月16日刊登于美国《纽约时报》(New York Times)的两版连页广告,绝对不是政府买单。


在这份志期4月16的广告当中,斗大醒目的字眼欢迎罗斯玛光临纽约,并志明罗斯玛(Rosmah Mansor)为马来西亚第一夫人(first lady),恭贺她获得2010年国际和平与和谐奖(International Peace and Harmony Award 2010)。














mychinapress: 中国报讯:警察总长慕沙哈山说,大马已成为国际恐怖分子招募新血和受训的基地,大学生和青少年成了恐怖分子的目标。

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Monday, June 14, 2010

CakePHP, restrict Ajax access to some functions

I am recently writing a system using CakePHP, with Ajax requests from another page outside the CakePHP installation.

The purpose is to make it difficult for would be hacker to retrieve information that I wanted to hide beneath the hook, while exposing to granted parties, including of course the web server itself.

Examples found online are largely into 2 categories,

a. Blanket security, i.e. access to protected areas requires password, which is good if human users are interacting with the system. But it adds complexity for ajax to do a few requests, atleast 2, one to authenticate, and the other to request data.

b. Check referrer URL to determine if requests is coming from itself, else show error message.

I am minimalist by nature, and will find ways to squeeze performance to the last drop. This is certainly not ideal.

Instead, I have put up a little piece of code to decide if the requester, be it ajax, or human, is allowed by checking their IPs. Ajax requests can only be done on local, ie. any other requests will have to route thru the usual user login path.

Below is the sample which you can insert into any function you wish to protect, that gives you flexibility on how much information is allowed to expose.

function ajaxview($id = null) {
$allowedIps = array('localhost');
if(!in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$allowedIps)) {
$this->Session->setFlash('Sorry, you are not allowed to access this area');
$this->layout = 'ajax';
$this->Registrant->recursive = 0;
$this->set('registrant', $this->Registrant->read(null, $id));

Simple, right?






Saturday, June 12, 2010





Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer

The website you are visiting appears to contain malware. Malware is malicious software that may harm your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Your computer can be infected just by browsing to a site with malware, without any further action on your part.

For detailed information about problems found on this site, or a portion of this site, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page for





Wednesday, June 9, 2010








Kenapa Proton tak jual harga macam kat Arab Saudi?
Apa istimewanya orang Arab?

Kata ”Rakyat didahulukan”…..
Kenapa orang Arab lebih diutamakan?

Haaaa…..Jawapannya ialah…..Pemilik Proton di Malaysia semuanya dah kena tipu …..Hahaha

Harga Persona kat Saudi = SR 36,100
Harga Gen2 kat Saudi = SR 33,600
Harga Waja kat Saudi = SR 37,950

1 Saudi Riyal = RM 0.94

Maknanya harga Persona kat Saudi = RM 33,934 aje
Maknanya harga Proton Gen2 kat Saudi = RM 32,256 aje
Maknanya harga Waja kat Saudi = RM 35,673 aje

1 Malaysia bayar RM 66,799.97 untuk 1 Waja di Msia!
RM31,126.97 lebih MAHAL!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Malaysia allows sports betting for non-Muslims

A company linked to tycoon Vincent Tan has received approval to run international sports betting in Malaysia for non-Muslims, part of government efforts to counter illegal gambling estimated to be worth billions of dollars each year.

The Finance Ministry has given Ascot Sports a license to offer betting on sports such as soccer, basketball, motor racing, tennis and golf, according to a statement late Wednesday by Tan's conglomerate Berjaya Corp., which is buying 70 percent of Ascot for 525 million ringgit ($163 million). Ministry officials could not immediately comment when contacted Thursday.

Sports betting permit reissued to Ascot Sports

PETALING JAYA (May 13, 2010): Following the government's decision to legalise sports betting, Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd has recently been re-issued its sports betting license which was suspended in 2004.

BCorp yesterday announced that it would acquire a 70% stake of Ascot Sports which was incorporated in 1984 with a current paid up share capital of RM80 million.

BCorp in a statement said Ascot Sports plans to launch products based on internationally popular sporting events such as soccer, basketball, motor racing, tennis, golf and others.


In view of the rampant illegal sports betting activities which represents a huge loss of gaming tax revenue for the government, Ascot Sports which is wholly-owned by Tan Sri Vincent Tan , who is also chairman and chief executive officer of Berjaya Corporation Berhad (BCorp), was recently re-issued the licence.

“I am glad the current government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is economically sound like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who understands that revenue is important to the government,” said Tan.

“Why should the government forgo this revenue and benefit the illegal bookies so much?" he asked, adding that illegal sports betting is rampantly available in Malaysia.


Meanwhile, deputy finance minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein was of the view that those who want to gamble would do it whether it is legal or not.

He said while the government does not want to appear to encourage gambling and gaming, it would arise in any case as illegal bookies will go on with their activities.

“So, it’s whether we leave them to do it unregulated on their own or the government should try to regulate it in a manner in which it is controlled,” he was quoted as saying.

He said the government could benefit from it and use the revenue to develop sports.

Malaysia has yet to issue sports betting license-report

June 7 (Reuters) - Malaysia has yet to issue a sports betting license amid growing public anger in the mostly-Muslim nation, a news website reported on Monday. cited Prime Minister Najib Razak in a written reply to MPs as saying that the government had not yet finalised the terms and conditions of the permit that was supposed to awarded last month to Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd, a betting operator.

"The government is still sourcing feedback from various quarters for the proposal to license bookmaking in Malaysia, with the aim of reducing and subsequently eradicating illegal gambling," Malaysiakini quoted Najib, who is also Finance Minister, as saying.








话说回头,陈球主上了电视解说:原来 陈先生好大的牺牲,为何?因为赌球可以让国库增加30亿税收,而他本人也捐出专卖赌球执照的5亿盈利给他管理的基金。









Saturday, June 5, 2010




















Thursday, June 3, 2010





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Wednesday, June 2, 2010




Created 06/01/2010 - 10:17



